Top Links from Issue #101

This issue was published on August 4, 2020

Tell us what you really think of serverless... 🤭

In this isssue we get some dissenting opinions on serverless while at the same time getting a bunch of awesome new tools to make it even better. Read the full issue...

Most Popular Links

Below are the most popular links from Issue #101 as chosen by our Off-by-none email subscribers. Sign up for the newsletter and help choose the most popular links each week!


Why You Should Never, Ever print() in a Lambda Function by Paul Singman
One moment everything is fine, then … Bam! Your Lambda function raises an exception, you get alerted and everything changes instantly. Critical systems could be impacted, so it’s important that you understand the root cause quickly.


The Pains of Testing Serverless Applications by Paul Swail
Over one third (36.4%) of respondents to my serverless adoption survey cited Testing as one of their top 3 areas that caused them most pain or concern when building with serverless. It’s the second highest item, with Debugging/Monitoring out in front on 57.9% and Developer Workflow in third on 30.


Understanding database options for your serverless web applications by James Beswick
Many web developers use relational databases to store and manage data in their web applications. As you migrate to a serverless approach for web development, there are also other options available. These can help improve the scale, performance, and cost-effectiveness of your workloads.


New Relic pricing plummets with product overhaul by Beth Pariseau
The savings compared with the previous New Relic pricing scheme are potentially substantial. Under the previous model, users had to purchase APM at a base price that started at $25 per month for a Pro account; this price was calculated based on a tiny AWS t2.


AWS DynamoDB: Writing millions of records: Not consuming provisioned throughput: Global Secondary Index and Sharding by abhra dev
Are your write requests getting throttled and rejected in DynamoDB? Is your application not hitting the expected write capacity? Are you using Global Secondary Index (GSI)? There could be many reasons but one particular reason could be the structure of GSI, which could limit the write throughput.

Honorable Mentions

There are so many great blog posts, tutorials, use cases, and more shared each week by the #serverless community, that picking just a few to feature is really hard. So here are some other honorable mentions chosen by our readers.

Best Practices for an Improved Serverless Developer Experience by Harsh Chaudhary
In The Serverless Developer Experience, I discussed one of the challenges in serverless development being the lack of a fast feedback loop. This is due to the serverless development model which dictates deployments to remote infrastructure to be able to validate code updates, however minor.

Building well-architected serverless applications: Controlling serverless API access – part 1 by JWT
This series of blog posts uses the AWS Well-Architected Tool with the Serverless Lens to help customers build and operate applications using best practices. In each post, I address the nine serverless-specific questions identified by the Serverless Lens along with the recommended best practices.

How I scaled an AppSync project to 200+ resolvers
You can become a serverless blackbelt. Enrol to my 4-week online workshop Production-Ready Serverless and gain hands-on experience building something from scratch using serverless technologies.

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About the Author

Jeremy is the Director of Research at CloudZero, founder of Ampt, and an AWS Serverless Hero that has a soft spot for helping people solve problems using the cloud. You can find him ranting about serverless and cloud on Bluesky, LinkedIn, X, the Serverless Chats podcast, and at conferences around the world.


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