Top Links from Issue #114

This issue was published on November 3, 2020

Should you build a serverless application? 🧐

In this issue, we see support for WASM grow, we debunk some serverless myths, and ask if a serverless application is right for you. Read the full issue...

Most Popular Links

Below are the most popular links from Issue #114 as chosen by our Off-by-none email subscribers. Sign up for the newsletter and help choose the most popular links each week!


Redwood - Bringing the Ruby on Rails Experience to JavaScript by Bruno Couriol
Tom Preston-Werner, co-founder of GitHub, released RedwoodJS, a new fullstack, edge-ready JavaScript web framework. Redwood is highly opinionated and integrates pre-determined back-end and front-end stacks.


Tired of Understanding Serverless Best Practices? Get started with Best Practices and Case Study Today! by Anuj Kothiyal
Microservices are now being widely accepted and looked at as a very strong architectural style for new projects, as well as the target for architecture for legacy monoliths.


3x Smaller Lambda Artifacts by Removing Junk From node_modules by Vlad Holubiev
Reducing artifact size proportionally correlates with the cold start latency. The most obvious way would be to use webpack and do tree shaking. But I’m not a fan of that approach.


Why I wrote a Serverless Security book
When I started working with the Serverless Framework I was curious about the security aspect.


Adopting Observability to Pull Yourself Out of the Pits of Serverless Anti-Patterns by aws
Serverless offers opportunities that are transforming how we think about building in the cloud. The days of worrying about complex and brittle cloud infrastructure on which sits your entire business logic are soon coming to an end.

Honorable Mentions

There are so many great blog posts, tutorials, use cases, and more shared each week by the #serverless community, that picking just a few to feature is really hard. So here are some other honorable mentions chosen by our readers.

This is an interesting thread and interesting problem to solve. I want to make sure my CloudFormation, SAM and CDK teams see this. cc: @luiscolon1, @awsjeffg, and @emeshbi the full thread is worth the read. Some smart folks chiming in. ~ Eric Johnson by Eric Johnson | #ServerlessForEveryone
This is an interesting thread and interesting problem to solve. I want to make sure my CloudFormation, SAM and CDK teams see this. cc: @luiscolon1, @awsjeffg, and @emeshbi the full thread is worth the read. Some smart folks chiming in.

Async Generators in Use: DynamoDB Pagination
Asynchronous iteration was added to the ECMAScript standard in its 2018 edition (TypeScript has supported it since version 2.3). In layman’s terms, it means iterating over a collection where you have to wait for each item to become available:

Getting big wins with small teams on tight deadlines by Tyler Treat
Part of what we do at Real Kinetic is give companies confidence to ship software in the cloud. Many of our clients are large organizations that have been around for a long time but who don’t always have much experience when it comes to cloud.

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About the Author

Jeremy is the Director of Research at CloudZero, founder of Ampt, and an AWS Serverless Hero that has a soft spot for helping people solve problems using the cloud. You can find him ranting about serverless and cloud on Bluesky, LinkedIn, X, the Serverless Chats podcast, and at conferences around the world.


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