Top Links from Issue #184

This issue was published on April 12, 2022

cURL your FURLs! 🧑‍💻

In this issue, we cURL our FURLs, have a chat with Werner Vogels, and do our part to stamp out ridiculous serverless FUD. Read the full issue...

Most Popular Links

Below are the most popular links from Issue #184 as chosen by our Off-by-none email subscribers. Sign up for the newsletter and help choose the most popular links each week!


Three use cases for AWS Lambda Function URLs by Hudson Tavares
Amazon released on April 6 the support for Lambda Function URLs, which allows you to invoke lambdas directly via HTTPS requests. Some users may feel confused about what it means as a new service capability compared with the longstanding API Gateway-based connectivity to lambdas.


4 ways of executing Lambda function via HTTP endpoint - a comparison
Recent release of Lambda Function URLs is a great reason to write up a small summary describing possible ways of executing Lambda functions over HTTP endpoints. Once again, AWS released new functionality, but it's up to us how, and more importantly, when we are going to use it.


AWS Lambda: function URL is live! by Yan Cui
AWS announced the release of the Lambda Function URLs feature today. In this post, I describe what it is, how it works, and how you can benefit from it. API Gateway and AWS Lambda is a potent combination and lets you build REST APIs without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure.


AWS Lambda Function URLs: built-in HTTPS endpoints for your Lambda functions
AWS Lambda is announcing Lambda Function URLs, a new feature that makes it easier to invoke functions through an HTTPS endpoint as a built-in capability of the AWS Lambda service.


Serverless Testing, Part 2: SOLID Architecture for Lambda by Michael Walmsley
Serverless Testing, Part 1: What I forgot at the beginning describes the start of my serverless story where I forget about plain old Software Engineering Principles, and I re-introduced the Dependency Inversion Principle, which is essential when writing software! I want to explore software architect

Honorable Mentions

There are so many great blog posts, tutorials, use cases, and more shared each week by the #serverless community, that picking just a few to feature is really hard. So here are some other honorable mentions chosen by our readers.

Why AWS Lambda Function URLs will not be part of my projects by Marin Radjenovic
Recently AWS released a new feature called Lambda Function URLs. The new feature is supposed to simplify the process of exposing Lambda function over HTTP. In essence, you get generated URL to invoke the lambda function over HTTPS.

Demystifying AWS Lambda Execution Environment by Dalibor Plavcic
Have you ever wondered what happens when you invoke you Lambda Function for the first time? How and where the application code is executed? The goal of this post is to clarify exactly that.

Lambda vs Step Functions: The Battle of Cost and Performance
Over the past couple of weeks, I've done some analysis on how you can start moving toward Step Functions as part of your standard development processes. You have the option to go "storage first" with completely asynchronous workflows or go completely synchronous with express state machines.

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About the Author

Jeremy is the Director of Research at CloudZero, founder of Ampt, and an AWS Serverless Hero that has a soft spot for helping people solve problems using the cloud. You can find him ranting about serverless and cloud on Bluesky, LinkedIn, X, the Serverless Chats podcast, and at conferences around the world.


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