Off-by-none: Issue #211

November 29, 2022

Only have a few minutes? Check out this week's MOST POPULAR links as chosen by our email subscribers.

Live from AWS re:Invent!

In our previous issue, Lambda launched Node 18 support, AppSync gave us JavaScript resolvers, and Serverless Console V2 was released. This week, we’re live at AWS re:Invent desperately trying to avoid the re:Cold, and, as always, being overwhelmed by the shear scale of this event and flood of product announcements. Plus, we’ve got some additional, non-re:Invent content from the community as well.

Watch out for faux-serverless bandits
Re:Invent always comes with exciting announcements about what’s next in serverless. Gearing up for that, Khawaja Shams and Kirk Kirkconnell spent time reflecting on what true serverless looks like—and how to recognize when faux-serverless banditry is afoot. Find their analysis and a litmus test you can use to identify serverless data services on the Momento blog. SPONSORED

Serverless News & Announcements πŸ“£

There are a ton of AWS announcements that we’ll cover below, but in case you missed some of the biggest pre-re:Invent serverless announcements, Yan Cui has you covered here.

AWS provides an updated list of the top announcements of AWS re:Invent 2022 that you can follow as well.

In other cloud news, you can catch up on everything that was announced during Cloudflare Developer Week 2022β€Š.

And Elad Ben-Israel asks why Cloud is so difficult? and introduces a new language for the cloud that hopes to make it easier.

Cold Starts are Heating Up! πŸ”₯

It seems as though the big serverless announcement (so far) was the release of SnapStart. This will snapshot your Java Lambda containers to minimize the typical 5 second cold start that has plagued Java serverless developers since the beginning. It’s not without tradeoffs, but everyone already wrote about it, so here’s a collection of posts to take you down the rabbit hole.

Serverless Tutorials πŸ‘·‍♀️

Let’s get a few tutorials in if your brain isn’t already overwhelmed by re:Invent announcements:

Serkan Sakinmaz shows you how to create simple data pipeline with AWS Step Functions.

Ashwin Parmar explains how to setup an AWS Lambda Function PHP Runtime.

Samuel Zeru walks you through enabling AWS Multi-Region Multi-Account DynamoDB access.

And Revathi Joshi shares a tutorial on creating an AWS Lambda function to process records in an Amazon DynamoDB stream.

Say hello to the latest entrant in Serverless Observability
5 minutes is all it takes, to achieve real-time observability of your Serverless workloads on AWS. Founded by three friends-turned-entrepreneurs, KloudMate offers a generous forever-free plan, specially meant for developers who'd like to signup and give it a try. Monitor AWS Lambda, or just about any serverless service you employ. No credit card required. SPONSORED

Serverless Reads πŸ€“

Asher Sterkin share his thoughts on the 4 Pillars of the “Infrastructure from Code”.

Marc Brooker recounts some interesting history from Amazon’s Distributed Computing Manifesto.

Dave Vellante shares some analysis as to why re:Invent 2022 marks the next chapter in data and cloud.

Matt Asay wonders what AWS customers really care about and whether it’s actually open enough, multicloud enough, and serverless enough for them, despite what us purists might think. He’s probably right. 😞

Allen Helton explains why serverless direct integrations aren’t as scary as they sound.

Podcasts, Videos, and more 🎧

Serverless Craic Team covers some of the initial AWS re:Invent announcements.

Marco Troisi talks to Sam Williams about becoming a confident serverless developer.

And Marcia Villalba covers the new Amazon EventBridge Scheduler and how to schedule tasks to over +200 targets.

New from AWS πŸ†•

Okay, this is a firehose. There are a lot of announcements that are interesting to me (and hopefully you) that I’ve included below. I will do a much deeper analysis of these announcements when I have more time to dig deeper on the services.

Thoughts from Twitter 🐦

JS resolvers for AppSync are great… but it’s done with a custom JS runtime, which means AWS now provides 3 different JS runtimes, all with their own quirks on limitations, supporting different versions of JS… ~ Ant Stanley

Upcoming Serverless Events πŸ—“

If you have an event, webinar, etc. that you’d like me to mention, please email me.

November 28 – December 2, 2022 – AWS re:Invent

Serverless Star of the Week ⭐️

There is a very long list of people who are doing #ServerlessGood and contributing to the Serverless community. These people deserve recognition for their efforts. So each week, I will mention someone whose recent contribution really stood out to me. I love meeting new people, so if you know someone who deserves recognition, please nominate them.

This week’s star is Karen Huaulme (@YouOldMaid). Karen is a Principal Developer Advocate at MongoDB, where she collaborates with developers to unleash their creativity across all aspects of data and technology. She has authored several tutorials and blog posts for the MongoDB developer center and has spoken at events like DeveloperWeek, the Game Developers Conference, and GDG DevVest Italia. She’ll also be presenting at AWS re:Invent and speaking at Jfokus 2023. Prior to MongoDB, Karen spent most of her career working with video game developers as a Solutions Architect and Integration Engineer at Nvidia, Amazon, and Twitch. Thanks for your amazing work, Karen!

Final Thoughts πŸ€”

There is so much going on here at re:Invent that it’s hard to process in real time. Lots more re:Capping to come in the weeks ahead. Also, if you’re at re:Invent, please DM me if you want to meet up.

Take care,

I hope you enjoyed this newsletter. We’re always looking for ideas and feedback to make it better and more inclusive, so please feel free to reach out to me via TwitterLinkedIn, or email.

Previous Issue

Issue #210November 22, 2022

Next Issue

Issue #212December 6, 2022

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About the Author

Jeremy is the Director of Research at CloudZero, founder of Ampt, and an AWS Serverless Hero that has a soft spot for helping people solve problems using the cloud. You can find him ranting about serverless and cloud on Bluesky, LinkedIn, X, the Serverless Chats podcast, and at conferences around the world.


Nominate a Serverless Star

Off-by-none is committed to celebrating the diversity of the serverless community and recognizing the people who make it awesome. If you know of someone doing amazing things with serverless, please nominate them to be a Serverless Star ⭐️!