Top Links from Issue #230

This issue was published on April 18, 2023

A Bedrock Serverless Experience?

In this issue, AWS jumps on the Generative AI bandwagon, CodeWhisper goes GA, and someone puts the servers back in serverless. Read the full issue...

Most Popular Links

Below are the most popular links from Issue #230 as chosen by our Off-by-none email subscribers. Sign up for the newsletter and help choose the most popular links each week!


Amazon CodeWhisperer is now generally available
Today, AWS is announcing the general availability of Amazon CodeWhisperer. This artificial intelligence (AI) coding companion generates real-time single-line or full function code suggestions in your integrated development environment (IDE) to help you more quickly build software.


aidansteele/serverful by aidansteele
Scenario: it's opposite day. Your organisation is entirely serverless, but you want a server. You are too forgetful for EC2 or Fargate: you never remember to shut them down. What about a Lambda-powered server that automatically shuts off after 1-900 seconds? Enter serverful.


Serverless testing is not complicated. It just requires some effort
Testing serverless applications can seem complicated due to their unique architecture, especially if you are relatively new. But, of course, it does not help to hear that serverless computing requires a new mindset because it changes how developers build and deploy applications.


Are You Ready for This? Top 5 Earth-Shattering Pros and Cons of AWS CDK
Ask most developers why they like the CDK and they will say “It lets me write infrastructure in my favourite programming language”. That’s nice, but why should that be a consideration for an Infra-as-Code (IaC) tool? That’s like saying “I like Strepsils because it tastes like candy”.


WebAssembly: The Ultimate Guide by B. Cameron Gain
WebAssembly is arguably beginning to live up to its hype. Although whether it realizes its potential or not remains to be seen and its ultimate success largely depends on factors beyond its worth as a technology.

Honorable Mentions

There are so many great blog posts, tutorials, use cases, and more shared each week by the #serverless community, that picking just a few to feature is really hard. So here are some other honorable mentions chosen by our readers.

AWS AppSync now supports publishing events to Amazon EventBridge
AWS AppSync is a managed service for building scalable APIs that connect applications to data and events.

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About the Author

Jeremy is the CEO and Founder of Ampt and an AWS Serverless Hero that has a soft spot for helping people solve problems using serverless. He frequently consults with companies and developers transitioning away from the traditional “server-full” approach. You can find him ranting about serverless on Twitter, in several forums and Slack groups, hosting the Serverless Chats podcast, and at conferences around the world.


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