Top Links from Issue #238

This issue was published on June 13, 2023

The State of Edge Functions 📊

In this issue, AWS gives us programmatic DLQ redrives, we learn about the State of Edge Functions, and we meet some new heroes. Read the full issue...

Most Popular Links

Below are the most popular links from Issue #238 as chosen by our Off-by-none email subscribers. Sign up for the newsletter and help choose the most popular links each week!


The DynamoDB-Toolbox v1 beta is here 🙌 All you need to know!
At Kumo, we are big fans of Jeremy Daly’s DynamoDB-Toolbox. We started using it as early as 2019 and grew fond of it... but were also well aware of its flaws 😅 One of them was that it had originally been coded in JavaScript.


10 principles for your event driven architecture
Today I had the opportunity to assist at the Serverless day event in Paris. This event is dedicated to fostering a community around serverless technologies. There have been many conferences especially about AWS lambdas optimization and architecture and event driven architectures.


Taking a turn in my career
I spent the last 30-ish years of my professional life working on what I generally refer to as "compute systems abstractions".


The Next Generation of Serverless is Happening by
The term “serverless” is used ambiguously, so let’s start off with a specific definition. Serverless apps are applications that are not written as software servers.


AWS SQS, SNS, Kinesis, EventBridge : How to choose ?
"SQS, SNS, Kinesis, EventBridge ? Which one should I take ? In which situation ?". It may be questions you have already thought about. This article will help you defining the right service for the right use case using real-world examples.

Honorable Mentions

There are so many great blog posts, tutorials, use cases, and more shared each week by the #serverless community, that picking just a few to feature is really hard. So here are some other honorable mentions chosen by our readers.

Learn serverless on AWS step-by-step - EventBridge
In this series, I try to explain the basics of serverless on AWS, to enable you to build your own serverless applications. With last article, we discovered how to send emails using SES. In this article, let's dive into EventBridge, a service that allows you to build event-driven applications.

Announcing Live Tail in Amazon CloudWatch Logs, providing real-time exploration of logs
We are excited to announce Amazon CloudWatch Logs Live Tail, a new interactive log analytics experience feature that helps you detect and debug anomalies in applications.

The Implications of Serverless Architecture: Beyond the Hype - Luis Ezcurdi

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About the Author

Jeremy is the Director of Research at CloudZero, founder of Ampt, and an AWS Serverless Hero that has a soft spot for helping people solve problems using the cloud. You can find him ranting about serverless and cloud on Bluesky, LinkedIn, X, the Serverless Chats podcast, and at conferences around the world.


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