A Weekly Serverless Newsletter by Jeremy Daly

Stay up to date on using serverless to build modern applications in the cloud. Get insights from experts, product releases, industry happenings, tutorials and much more, every week!

Check out some recent issues

Issue #289 • July 23, 2024

A Global AWS Heroes Summit 🦸

In this issue, AWS Heroes assemble, AWS puts the kibosh on QLDB, and Momento goes GA with Topics.

Issue #288 • July 16, 2024

Jumping the GenAI shark? 🦈

In this issue, AWS has another GenAI-heavy summit, App Studio promises enterprise-grade applications without software development skills, and AWS faces some backlash from developers.

Issue #287 • July 9, 2024

Serverless is dead... again πŸ’€

In this issue, Amazon Q Developer takes over your IDE, some folks want to make it easier to get started with AWS, and Girls in Tech shuts down after 17 years.

Issue #288 • July 16, 2024

Jumping the GenAI shark? 🦈

In this issue, AWS has another GenAI-heavy summit, App Studio promises enterprise-grade applications without software development skills, and AWS faces some backlash from developers.

Issue #287 • July 9, 2024

Serverless is dead... again πŸ’€

In this issue, Amazon Q Developer takes over your IDE, some folks want to make it easier to get started with AWS, and Girls in Tech shuts down after 17 years.

We’re always looking for ideas and feedback to make Off-by-none better and more inclusive, so please reach out to Jeremy via Twitter, LinkedIn, or email.