Previous Issues

Issue #56: Custom Batch Windows, Dynamic Parallelism, and the PostgreSQL Data API... 😱

September 24, 2019

In this issue, we watch videos from ServerlessDays Milan, look at some awesome new AWS serverless announcements, and share tons of great serverless content.

Issue #55: A better way to model DynamoDB? 🤓

September 17, 2019

In this issue, we look at a new way to model our DynamoDB data, share lots of exciting serverless news, and have lots of amazing content from the serverless community.

Issue #54: Where have all the Cold Starts gone? ❄️

September 10, 2019

In this issue we're investigating some very encouraging news about cold starts in Lambda. Plus, we have lots of amazing serverless content from the community.

Issue #53: Has it already been a year?

September 3, 2019

We're celebrating our one year anniversary! We've got some surprises for our loyal readers and plenty of serverless content from the community.

Issue #52: The future of serverless looks amazing... 🔮

August 27, 2019

In this issue, we recap the AWS Developer Influencer Summit, learn how Lambda Layers might be easier than we thought, and share some amazing serverless content.

Issue #51: Live from the AWS Developer Influencer Summit... 🤓

August 20, 2019

I'm at the AWS Developer Influencer Summit this week, giving feedback on how to make serverless better. And we've got plenty of great serverless content.

Issue #50: So much serverless content... 📚

August 13, 2019

In this issue, we welcome Oracle to the FaaS party, recommend some excellent podcast listening, and share a ridiculous amount of serverless content from the community.

Issue #49: Introducing Serverless Components... 🚀

August 6, 2019

In this issue, we look at the new Serverless Components from Serverless, Inc., plus we have plenty of great serverless content from the community.

Issue #48: Turning PHP Servers into Vapor... 💨

July 30, 2019

In this issue, we take a deep dive into the recently announced Laravel Vapor service, plus we have plenty of great serverless content from the community.

Issue #47: The Serverless Framework You've Been Waiting For... ⚡️

July 23, 2019

In this issue, we look at the new Serverless Framework, hear some more thoughts on Amazon EventBridge, and share lots of amazing content from the community.

Issue #46: Building Serverless Event Bridges... 🌉

July 16, 2019

Issue #46 takes a deep dive into the new Amazon EventBridge service, and share some amazing stories, tutorials and content from the serverless community.

Issue #45: Where do companies start with serverless?

July 9, 2019

Issue #45 ponders how companies adopt serverless, looks ahead to AWS Summit New York, and shares lots of great content from the serverless community.

Issue #44: re:Inforcing Serverless Security 🔒

July 2, 2019

Issue #44 recaps AWS re:Inforce and discusses the importance of serverless security, plus there's plenty of amazing content from the serverless community.

Issue #43: Buongiorno from ServerlessDays Milano! 🇮🇹

June 25, 2019

In this issue, we recap an amazing ServerlessDays event in Milan, highlight some excellent serverless reads, and share plenty of content from the community.

Issue #42: Is serverless becoming easier? 🤷‍♂️

June 18, 2019

Issue #42 looks at some frameworks that make serverless easier, we hear from naysayers that don't agree, and we share tons of great serverless content.

Issue #41: Switching to DynamoDB in 20 Easy Steps... 😉

June 11, 2019

Issue #41 sees what happens when DynamoDB advice resonates, looks at some great serverless stories, and shares plenty of amazing content from the community.

Issue #40: Did your RDBMS just become serverless?

June 4, 2019

Issue #40 looks at the updated version of Data API and announces a new library that'll make using it even easier. Plus, we have a boat load of content from the serverless community.

Issue #39: One small step for AWS, one giant leap for Step Functions... 👨‍🚀

May 28, 2019

Issue #39 explores a nifty update to AWS Step Functions, shares some serverless stories, and tries to narrow down the mountain of content from the community.

Issue #38: Introducing Serverless Chats... 🎙

May 21, 2019

Issue #38 introduces the new Serverless Chats Podcast, we take on some serverless contrarians, and we have a ton of great content from the community.

Issue #37: Your serverless apps just got some major upgrades... 🚀

May 14, 2019

Issue #37 looks at exciting updates to the Serverless Framework and AWS Lambda Node.js runtime. Plus we have lots of content from the serverless community.

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About the Author

Jeremy is the Director of Research at CloudZero, founder of Ampt, and an AWS Serverless Hero that has a soft spot for helping people solve problems using the cloud. You can find him ranting about serverless and cloud on Bluesky, LinkedIn, X, the Serverless Chats podcast, and at conferences around the world.


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