Previous Issues

Issue #16: Premature Serverless Optimization...

December 18, 2018

Off-by-none #16 discusses optimizations and examines what "serverless" actually means. Plus we have product announcements and more stuff from re:Invent.

Issue #15: It's all about Layers...

December 11, 2018

Issue #15 of Off-by-none digs deeper into Lambda Layers and custom runtimes. Plus more talks from re:Invent and plenty of other serverless insights for you.

Issue #14: re:Capping re:Invent...

December 4, 2018

Issue #14 of Off-by-none recaps re:Invent, takes a look at some of the amazing sessions and speakers, and reviews a multitude of AWS product announcements.

Issue #13: Live from AWS re:Invent...

November 27, 2018

Issue #13 of Off-by-none rethinks serverless+RDBMS and responds to some common serverless objections, plus we look at new AWS product launches from re:Invent.

Issue #12: Leaving on a jet plane (to re:Invent)... ✈️

November 20, 2018

Issue #12 of Off-by-none dives deep into microservices and AWS Step Functions, plus we look at the benefits of using serverless for your startup and much more.

Issue #11: After this, there is no turning back

November 13, 2018

Issue #11 of Off-by-none explores serverless for beginners, looks at some recent innovations, and provides technical resources if you want to level up.

Issue #10: Do you hear what I hear? 👂

November 6, 2018

Issue #10 of Off-by-none is all about serverless adoption! We take lessons from ServerlessNYC, offer up some resources, and challenge serverless advocates.

Issue #9: Live from ServerlessDays NYC!

October 30, 2018

Issue #9 of Off-by-none is live from ServerlessDays NYC! We also look at some new observability tools, revel in serverless adoption, and have a JS Party.

Issue #8: No need to ask, he's a smooth (dev) operator 👨🏻‍💻

October 23, 2018

Issue #8 of Off-by-none looks at how serverless changes DevOps and how teams must adapt. We'll also debunk #NoOps, and see why Ops people are still necessary.

Issue #7: Livin' in the (serverless) future 🤖

October 16, 2018

Issue #7 of Off-by-none looks at why 15 minute Lambdas are important to the future and why the business case for serverless is one of its greatest strengths.

Issue #6: The future (of serverless) is so bright, I gotta wear shades 😎

October 9, 2018

Issue #6 of Off-by-none looks at the future of serverless, the power of the serverless community, and how we can work together to bring it to the masses

Issue #5: It's nobody's fault but mine

October 2, 2018

Issue #5 of Off-by-none continues to build on our understanding of serverless microservices and looks ahead to handling errors in distributed systems.

Issue #4: All I see is choreography and I'll never be a dancer

September 25, 2018

Issue #4 of Off-by-none dives deeper into building complex serverless apps by looking at how common microservice patterns can be adapted for serverless.

Issue #3: They say that breaking up (an app) is hard to do

September 18, 2018

Issue #3 of Off-by-none focuses on building complex serverless applications and what we need to start thinking about to coordinate communication between microservices.

Issue #2: Serverless Security, yeah, that's all I want from you

September 11, 2018

Issue #2 of Off-by-none focuses on serverless security and how we can use cloud provider tools, simple strategies, and other vendor tools to mitigate risks.

Issue #1: The awaiting is the hardest part

September 4, 2018

The first issue of Off-by-none is here! This week we tackle scaling MySQL with serverless, see what happens when posts go viral, and share some great serverless reads.

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About the Author

Jeremy is the Director of Research at CloudZero, founder of Ampt, and an AWS Serverless Hero that has a soft spot for helping people solve problems using the cloud. You can find him ranting about serverless and cloud on Bluesky, LinkedIn, X, the Serverless Chats podcast, and at conferences around the world.


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Off-by-none is committed to celebrating the diversity of the serverless community and recognizing the people who make it awesome. If you know of someone doing amazing things with serverless, please nominate them to be a Serverless Star ⭐️!