Previous Issues

Issue #32: Live from the Serverless Architecture Conference... ๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒท

April 9, 2019

Off-by-none #32 is LIVE from the Serverless Architecture Conference in The Hague. Plus, we have plenty of amazing content to share from the community.

Issue #31: Serverless goes enterprise... ๐Ÿš€

April 2, 2019

Issue #31 takes a look at the Serverless Enterprise Framework, points to some serverless security trends, and shares plenty of great content from the community.

Issue #30: Introducing Event Fork Pipelines... ๐Ÿด

March 26, 2019

Issue #30 looks at the new Event Fork Pipelines, explores the security of AWS Lambda, and serves up some amazing content from the serverless community.

Issue #29: You can "serverless" too...

March 19, 2019

Issue #29 recaps some of my favorite things from ServerlessDays Boston, we address some #NoOps nonsense, and share plenty of great content from the community.

Issue #28: Live from ServerlessDays Boston...

March 12, 2019

Off-by-none #28 is LIVE from ServerlessDays Boston! Plus we've got a number of great stories, use cases, and articles from the serverless community.

Issue #27: Let's focus on business value...

March 5, 2019

Issue #27 of Off-by-none looks at Lyft's AWS bill and share lots of serverless tutorials, use cases, and stories from the community.

Issue #26: Introducing the new serverless heroes...

February 26, 2019

Off-by-none #26 tries to figure out if serverless is really dead, we meet some new serverless heroes, and we share plenty of great content from the community.

Issue #25: Serverless architectures for the rest of us...

February 19, 2019

Issue #25 of Off-by-none thanks IOpipe for supporting open source, explores some helpful serverless architectural patterns, and shares plenty of great content from the community.

Issue #24: Serverless will become the default computing paradigm of the Cloud Era...

February 12, 2019

Issue #24 of Off-by-none geeks out on a recent UC Berkeley paper, shares some great stories and use cases, and discusses serverless SaaS integrations.

Issue #23: The State of Serverless...

February 5, 2019

Issue #23 of Off-by-none looks at using serverless to deal with third-party API quotas, shares some helpful videos, introduces "Serverless Stories", and much more.

Issue #22: Investing in the future of serverless...

January 29, 2019

Issue #22 looks at some recent investments in serverless, highlights upcoming events, helps you pick the right database, and shares plenty of great serverless content.

Issue #21: The serverless takeover...

January 22, 2019

Issue #21 of Off-by-none looks at more ways to scale your serverless apps, highlights recent innovations, and examines how serverless is affecting the IT landscape.

Issue #20: Let's get hands-on...

January 15, 2019

Issue #20 of Off-by-none gets a bit more hands-on, plus we have more insights into the future of serverless, and some compelling research regarding TCO.

Issue #19: Starting off the new year with a serverless bang... ๐Ÿ’ฅ

January 8, 2019

Issue #19 of Off-by-none sorts through serverless content from the holidays, plus we look at some serverless use cases, upcoming webinars, and conference talks.

Issue #18: Happy (Serverless) New Year! ๐ŸŽ‰

January 1, 2019

Issue #18 of Off-by-none looks back at 2018, outlines what's in store for Off-by-none in 2019, and shares some great articles from the serverless community.

Issue #17: WebSockets are so hot right now...

December 25, 2018

Issue #17 of Off-by-none looks at API Gateway support for WebSockets, I try to convince you to stop calling everything serverless, and a whole lot more.

Issue #16: Premature Serverless Optimization...

December 18, 2018

Off-by-none #16 discusses optimizations and examines what "serverless" actually means. Plus we have product announcements and more stuff from re:Invent.

Issue #15: It's all about Layers...

December 11, 2018

Issue #15 of Off-by-none digs deeper into Lambda Layers and custom runtimes. Plus more talks from re:Invent and plenty of other serverless insights for you.

Issue #14: re:Capping re:Invent...

December 4, 2018

Issue #14 of Off-by-none recaps re:Invent, takes a look at some of the amazing sessions and speakers, and reviews a multitude of AWS product announcements.

Issue #13: Live from AWS re:Invent...

November 27, 2018

Issue #13 of Off-by-none rethinks serverless+RDBMS and responds to some common serverless objections, plus we look at new AWS product launches from re:Invent.

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About the Author

Jeremy is the CEO and Founder of Ampt and an AWS Serverless Hero that has a soft spot for helping people solve problems using serverless. He frequently consults with companies and developers transitioning away from the traditional โ€œserver-fullโ€ approach. You can find him ranting about serverless on Twitter, in several forums and Slack groups, hosting the Serverless Chats podcast, and at conferences around the world.


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Off-by-none is committed to celebrating the diversity of the serverless community and recognizing the people who make it awesome. If you know of someone doing amazing things with serverless, please nominate them to be a Serverless Star โญ๏ธ!