In this issue, we introduce our new Premium Edition, StepFunctions get more intrinsic functions, and Google Cloud Functions second gen go GA.
In this issue, we get serverless snippets, more progress towards making webhooks obsolete, and a new driver for making your data-backed JavaScript apps planetscale.
In this issue, we look at Lambda's new tiered pricing model, say goodbye to a podcasting legend, and look at the future of serverless.
In this issue, RedShift Serverless goes GA, Lambda gets some better Powertools, and we get a new glue for serverless runtimes.
In this issue, SAM Accelerate goes GA, Vercel Edge Functions go Beta, and Cloudflare introduces WASI at the edge.
In this issue, we talk about what's next for Off-by-none, see what all the fuss about Deno is, and deep dive into Cloudflare Workers.
In this issue, serverless databases get another thumbs up from VCs, we get a free master class on inconsistent database consistency, and we learn why Serverless Aurora v2 isn't serverless.
In this issue, MongoDB Atlas Serverless goes GA, Honeycomb becomes the leader we always knew they were, and we discover a serverless unicorn.
In this issue, we look at the state of serverless, we get more "serverless" containers, and we meet a new batch of heroes.
In this issue, DigitalOcean hops on the serverless train, serverless WebSockets get better, and talent shortages risk stalling innovation.
In this issue, we get two new serverless platforms, a serverless debugger, and a type-safe serverless microservices framework.
In this issue, Cloudflare gets serious about infrastructure services, the Serverless Framework turns 7, and we learn about "superclouds".
In this issue, Cloudflare tries to make the Internet more programmable, Node 16 comes to Lambda, and we talk about the future of Jamstack and serverless.
In this issue, the Data API gets an update, Infrastructure as SQL goes open source, and AWS puts multi-account where their mouth is.
In this issue, Aurora Serverless v2 misses the serverless mark, Deno powers the edge, and we can now "Compose" serverless applications.
In this issue, we cURL our FURLs, have a chat with Werner Vogels, and do our part to stamp out ridiculous serverless FUD.
In this issue, AWS starts to treat accounts like cattle, we think about the future of WebSockets, and we top off our serverless Kool-Aid.
In this issue, Lambda gets a storage upgrade, Serverless Cloud goes Full Stack, and PlanetScale gets a Rewind.
In this issue, Upstash snags some funding, Cloudflare launches their own API Gateway, and we look at the future of cloud-native development.
In this issue, Fauna introduces event streaming, Xata hopes to build the go-to serverless database, and Amazon S3 turns 16!
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Jeremy is the Director of Research at CloudZero, founder of Ampt, and an AWS Serverless Hero that has a soft spot for helping people solve problems using the cloud. You
can find him ranting about serverless and cloud on Bluesky, LinkedIn, X, the Serverless Chats podcast, and at
conferences around the world.
Off-by-none is committed to celebrating the diversity of the serverless community and recognizing the people who make it awesome. If you know of someone doing amazing things with serverless, please nominate them to be a Serverless Star ⭐️!